Monday, January 5, 2009

Little Nonya ... Reel vs Real !

The poor organisers of the wonderful Hythe Road Year-end Party encountered an unexpected challenge to the cordial neighbourly exchanges and gorgeous food – the immensely popular Channel 8 serial “Little Nonya”.

We have cried along with her with each disaster, grown angry with each injustice and rejoiced at each triumph. There are many parallels to our current situation.

Challenges Overwhelming for Some
Like the main characters, we are expecting challenges in view of the global financial crisis and economic downturn, like smaller incomes for many households and even loss of jobs. Yet some others have lost money in investments.
We should not despair and lose heart. We should explore all ways of coping with a smaller income, a tighter budget, and see how we can tap on the various Government assistance schemes.

Bracing Ourselves and Adopting a Positive Attitude
Both Juxiang and Yue Niang have this never-say-die attitude which is commendable. Likewise, we can reflect on how we can shape our own employment patterns, see if we should acquire new skills or contemplate a change in career. Making adjustments is always tough but we can weather this downturn if we are mentally prepared.

Importance of Family Ties and Community Support
Throughout the show, there is plenty of evidence of family ties, for better or for worse. We see how parents rally around their children or even how the maid character Ah Tao stood loyally by Yue Niang.
During difficult times, it is crucial that family and community support is shown and felt. But the most important is emotional support which we must readily give.
The sun will shine again. In the mean time, assure residents that the Government will find the necessary resources to help all of us ride out this recession. Let’s stick together, reach out to those who may need help coping and emerge stronger as one people.

Let me thank you for your wonderful help and wish all of you a healthy and happy 2009.



  1. This post came from Mrs Lim Hwee Hua herself.
    I arranged and uploaded it for her.
    This is actually a good point!
    For some of you out there who may have something to share but for the moment lack the expertise of doing so, just send your post to me or William Teo.
    We will turn it into a blogpost for you.

  2. Btw, Mrs Lim...well done!
    A good 1st post too.

  3. Yeah, brilliantly done! I really enjoyed the analogy between the essence of Little Nonya and the state of our current economy:)


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